Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beating the bulge (well trying)

Like most girls my age, weight is always an issue or a permanent voice in the back of ones head. Since std 9 i've been trying my hardest to do what I can to tone and tighten..but its harder then you think. It's almost as though once a diet starts the only adverts on tv are about chocolates or ice-cream, and all you want to do is EAT! Since first year spread (probably the most depressing thing that comes with starting varsity), and you try and reassure yourself thats its not soo bad until you see your parents for the first time and the expression on their faces says it all. Also sublte hints such as why dont you have the salad, you love salads or lets just order water for the table.. since when did i love salads and water for a meal... never! First year spread.. check! constant need to loose the booze bulge.. check.. motivation for gym/running... still working on it. Now that im in Cape Town, I wanted to make a change & due to my major lack of motivation I invested in a personal trainer.

Every December we go to Knysna, and there are about 5/6 families that have been going for over 10 years.. each year we arrive everyone looks the same despite a hair colour change or something subtle..however this year one of our members arrived looking buff and cut like he had just entered into a Mr. Abs competition.. this aswell as and ego bigger then his pecs will ever become. The admiration that he got from eveyone made me realise that this is my goal.. I want to come back in December and have everyone commenting on me and drooling over me, all those who used to view me as just one of the groups will be elbowing eachother out the way to get a lunge in.. but i'll be batting them away with extreme enjoyment.

To top off my insecurities of appearances, I am lucky enough to live with to beauties who can basically eat whatever and whenever they want and still come out looking ontop.. its great! So, now I have signed up with a trainer.. feeling a bit nervous I go for my first meeting with him. Of course he is this massive guy with biceps bulging so much that he probably cant bend his arm enough to hold his cellphone on his ear, let alone get into the right position to wipe his bum. He's a Shwartzenegger look a like.. minus about 3m in height, but he's awesome. 'What are your goals' he asks... 'Um to wow everyone who sees me in December, if people are worrying that I might have an eating disorder wont bother me either'. you know what they say nothing tastes as good as thin feels (still questioning that). Anyway we have established the goals and aims for my training programme and tomorrow the shit hits the fan. Not only am I seriously unfit, I am a smoker which adds to the struggle in being able to work out for longer than 30 min.

I have to admit that my first three sessions were not too bad and I was feeling pretty happy with myself, and im sure I can see a difference in my thighs.. maybe its just a mirage from the dehidration i've suffered. After the first week im feeling positive about training and week two comes along-Monday: 20 min warm up& I almost fainted.. then into the PIT. This is already daunting on its own with all those roided up beefcakes benchpressing so much they're about to pop an intestine or something. As if this is not bad enough I am doing squats and lunges and 1 min runs every 30sec and im DYING physically. I have to ask for a break as i'm seeing black dots in my eyes and the colour has drained from my face completely, breaks over and its no mercy for me. I am sweating so much that it looks like i've been training in the swimming pool... definately not going to find a boyfriend in the gym, and if I do well love is blind then. An hour goes by and training is finished.. thank god! Now this is what I call a work out session, my legs are so shakey that im walking down the stairs as though I have polio, legs so wide apart im practically sitting on the steps and a full dependancy on the banister.. it must be a hilarious sight. To be honest the feeling doesnt get better it only gets worse and today I feel as though someone has beaten my thighs with a wooden spoon and a hose pipe they're burning so badly... for all this pain, the results better be worth it.

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