Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's not your boy, it's just your turn.

Cape Town is not a huge city, but it's not tiny either. However, after living here for more than 2 years one can't help but feel a little claustrophobic. When you arrive in a new city, it's like opening a fresh pack of sweets. You have all the options of colours and flavours to choose from.. but getting too excited means you'll' eat all the good ones first and be left with the lime and pineapple flavours. No one likes those. 

Who decides, who you can and can't be with? Boys are some what snakey when it comes to this, but they also get over the fact that their best mate kissed their ex girlfriend within 5 seconds. The bleakness only hangs around if there are still feelings involved, in which case.. he won't get over it so quickly and come banging on your door at 2am, ready to rawl. Girls on the other hand, are a lot trickier. The girl code is : You shall not deceive your friend in ANY way. Be it with her ex, the guy she used to like, the guy she does like, the guy she thinks she likes, the guy she sits next to in class or the guy who she is working with (the list goes on). Basically, if she's mentioned his name.. he is off bounds.. or a bitch fit is bound to occur. 

I understand that we need to be loyal to our friends, as "they will be there in the end, when he's left you all alone". But, in all seriousness, do people have the right to be SO territorial? I think not. If you like the guy make the move because if he's quite nice, chances are someone else is looking at him too. And no,  you cannot be bleak if someone intercepts because you were obviously too slow, or it's just not gonna happen. If you fancy a lunge but the whole time a small voice in your head is saying 'but Sally was with him 4 years ago' you need to chill. If Sally deletes you off FB and BBM due to your actions.. well then, you obviously weren't such good mates now, were you?

  Think of it as though you are scrummaging at the bottom of your sweet jar (even though you know only green and yellow are left) and you oh - so - luckily pick out a RED.. you're obviously going to eat it!! Yes, its selfish but its the truth. Unless you are dating the guy/girl and everyone knows it.. you probably don't have much leg to stand on. So just suck it up and move on.. you'll eventually get your turn.