Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Check this out!!

If your looking for anything going on in Cape Town,whats hot and the vibe thats happening go to http://www.2oceansvibe.com/ Awesome blog that will something for everyone to read :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Its a Boy Girl thing

By now our tans have faded, highlights have darkened and we're all tired of having sand in our shoes. Summer is gone and so begins a new season in Cape Town.New stories to make,new loves to have and new wardrobes to get. One thing about winter that may put a dampener on things is that the nights seem to be lonelier and my bed now has space for two...except there's only one occupant! Being in Cape Town I thought I'd have my fair share of options to choose from, after all this is home to some of the best looking guys around. What did not cross my mind however is that in actual fact that guy at the table next to me that I'm trying to make eye contact with, is actually checking out my brother and his mate.. hmmm major ego booster!

The type of men in CT can be classified into a few cliques. The places they flock to after dark provide them with the company they keep and therefore the groups to which they fit. The Jol Whores: These boys follow the newest upcoming clubs and places to be seen at and obviously can be spotted at their regular table at Caprice on a Sunday drinking red bull and vodka (Grey Goose only please). The Long Streeters: Long street is home to a massive variety of people, however those who seem to dominate are out scouting for retro or emo jols where they can rock to dub step and trance till 6 in the morning. Here the type of guy gets very interesting and your spade lines may get lost under debates of who's skinnies are skinnier or who's dreads are longer. Tigers Prisoners: These boys will rarely be seen anywhere else as they have a commitment to Tiger on a Tuesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday. They will most likely be sporting the typical blue collared shirt with the collar popped (a must), heavily gelled hair (with frosted tips) blue jeans and square toe shoes.. and yes sometimes these are white. If I can offer some advice, Tiger should only be visited when ones numbers are low as this is known to be an easy hunting ground.

Yes this may sound like a girls free ticket to finding a bed warmer but I'll warn you that each of these places needs to be sifted through if you're looking for a keeper. Although girls travel in small packs they are not however tied down to one male clique, we prefer to change it up a little rather than risking a lame night out. Clique Bouncing (we'll call it) comes hand in hand with the perfect look.. hello first impressions are everything! Unfortunately for us females as a group, there are always those that will let us down. Recently at a friends toga party I found myself cringing for some of the girls. In my mind a toga is a bed sheet that gets wrapped around ones body in a Grecian style, some lovely ladies however thought they were meant to use their pillow cases rather than sheets. Let me just say that it looked as though someone had cling wrapped a bag of hail .

Lucky for us all - boys and girls. There is soon to be a major influx of hot (hopefully) tourists heading to our land and I wish you all the best of luck in finding your big spoon.