Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Viva babay

Weeeeeelllll finally the boys have decided to grace our shores with their presence, much to the whole of the Countries delight. The only draw back.. getting tickets. Computicket is giving away min information and the crowds that will be descending on Computicket stores tomorrow morning (at all hours) will be a sight to see. Good Luck... if not, I'll wave from Golden Circle.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Meet Barry.

This little guy is Barry the sheep, my cartoon. I am in the process of writing a book about him and so wanted you to get to know him. He will be a feature on this blog from today onwards.

Appreciate the effort please. This is not easy to do on paint :)

ahh. life

Lying in bed with flu. Here one tends to re-evaluate life and set goals (usually unrealistic ones) for the days to come only to make you feel better about yourself. So for me its to blog more.. because I have become very slack and I know how you all look forward to my many adventures and to be more proactive. Remember though I'm still in bed so tomorrows reality could be very different.

Two very cool blogs to check out by the way : and

Dont worry they're not all animal rightsy.. one is cartoons and the other is just classic!