Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Its all in the name of the game

It seems that once you're in your 20's you get thrust into the deep end of the dating pool. It is from here onwards that one spends their life fishing through the water until they finally find their preferred catch. Many of you will agree with me that actually finding someone to date goes nothing like it does in the movies, there is no lift door about to close that you're racing towards only to be stopped by the hand of a handsome man. Once you're in the lift you notice that the music seeping through his ipod earphones is in fact you FAVOURITE song (what are the chances). Luckily you are the only two in the lift and therefore are able to strike up an un-awkward conversation... "Justin Bieber.. loooove him", and just like that with an eye locking moment you find yourself two weeks down the line dating Mr. Wonderful.

NO! it does not work like this, who is going to say yes to a date with a random that you met in a lift that's listening to JBiebs anyway? Luckily for me, both of my digs mates have recently entered into the dating game. One met Mr. Bravado while doing a promotion in the holidays and after he pursued her for more than two months she finally agreed to go out on a date with him, although its only been a couple of dates she seems to have found someone whose company she enjoys as well as shares a lot in common with. The other met Mr. Villiera on campus one day.. both realizing there ambitions of being successful and on top of the world they too decided to join forces. Now not only is this a major blow to my ego as the only attention I seem to be getting from guys is my trainers hand positioned under my ass to get me to lunge lower! This then made me wonder : does it depend on the time and place you're in that makes you more susceptible to dating? It definitely has nothing to do with looks and personality as I am a 10 in both areas.

All I know is that if this is the case UCT and Sea Point are my new hangouts as Fez and High Cape are clearly not working in my favour.. neither is Wembley square gym I guess. Ooooh well there are plenty of fish in the sea and I better just be patient with my hook,line and sinker.

1 comment:

  1. JT, good stuff. Moving to Cape Town and all that it offers has proved to be an inspiration to you. Keep it up.
